Weapon Museum

Weapon Museum

Sculptural objects from cartoons in various sizes and materials, 2021.

“Weapon Museum” is the common name for a group of sculptures that represent weapons from animated films. The manifestation of violence is the basis of the dramaturgical plot of many car-toons. Before the expansion of Manga and the introduction of superpowers as a means of combat, regular weapons such as bombs, rifles, dynamite, pistols, sabres, cannons featured in cartoons… In today’s cartoons, this is less and less common, and the main protagonists are more inclined to “cast magic” at each other instead of using objects to directly and physically injure the opponent. These tools are slowly becoming part of the historical legacy of cartoons and part of an alternative human history.

Ispoljavanje nasilja osnova je dramaturškog zapleta mnogih crtanih filmova. Pre ekspanzije mangi i uvođenja supermoći kao sredstva za borbu, u njima se pojavljivalo regularno oružje poput bombe, puške, dinamita, pištolja, sablje, topa... U današnjim crtaćima je to sve ređa pojava, a glavni protagonisti su sve skloniji „bacanju magije“ umesto korišćenja predmeta za direktno fizičko povređivanje protivnika. Ova oruđa polako postaju deo istorijske zaostavštine crtanog filma i deo alternativne ljudske istorije, što ih na neki način svrstava u objekte pogodne za muzeološki tretman.