

2021, epoxy resin and other materials, 33x34x4cm

The cross is one of the world's most powerful symbols. It is primarily related to Christianity, which took it as main emblem, because it reminds us of the torture device on which Jesus was crucified just before his death. Thus, in the Christian religion, he is largely a symbol of suffering, which gives him a somewhat gloomy and fatal context that aims to awake awe and fear of God in believers mind. However, the cross was used in various contexts long before Christianity and basically represented a man with open arms. In a series of works named „iCross“, I’m trying to demystify this symbol a bit and alleviate the awe that has been built into it for a centuries, using it as an exhibition form in which I experiment with different materials and contexts.

Krst je jedan od najmoćnijih svetskih simbola. Prevashodno se vezuje za hrišćanstvo koje ga je pruzelo kao svoj primarni amblem jer podseća na spravu za mučenje na kojoj je razapet Isus neposredno pred smrt. Samim tim, u hrišćanskoj religiji je on u velikoj meri simbol stradanja, što mu daje pomalo turoban i fatalan kontekst koji ima za cilj da probudi kod vernika strahopoštovanje i bogobojažljivost. Ipak, krst je korišćen u različitim kontekstima davno pre hrišćanstva a u osnovi je predstavljao čoveka raširenih ruku. U seriji radova iCross pokušavam da malo demistifikujem ovaj simbol i ublažim strahopoštovanje koje je vekovima ugrađivano u njega koristeći ga kao izložbeni oblik u okviru kojeg eksperimentišem sa različitim materijalima i kontekstima.