History of Undeath (series)

History of Undeath (series)

10 paintings, oil on canvas, 80x60cm

One of the things that has always intrigued me about cartoons is the death of the main characters. Whether something squashes them, stabs them, explodes in their hands, whether they fall off a cliff or are hit by a train … in one of the following scenes they have fully recovered and continue as if nothing had happened. Death is somehow always virtuously defeated, and the victims recover without showing any psycho-physical consequences or newly-acquired wisdom. The scenes shown are from cartoons that were present in the time of my growing up, that is in the 80's. What they have in common is that they show a situation in which the cartoon’s hero suffers injuries that a normal living being would not survive in reality.

Jedna od stvari koja me je oduvek intrigirala u crtanim filmovima je smrt glavnih junaka. Bilo da ih nešto spljeska, probode ih, eksplodira im u rukama, bilo da padnu sa litice ili ih udari voz... već u nekoj od sledećih scena oni se u potpunosti oporavljaju i nastavljaju dalje kao da se ništa nije desilo. Smrt nekako uvek biva virtuozno pobeđena, a žrtve se oporavljaju bez ikakvih psiho-fizičkih posledica i stečene mudrosti. Prikazane scene su iz crtanih filmova koji su bili aktuelni u fazi mog odrastanja, tj 80-ih godina. Ono što im je zajedničko je to da prikazuju situaciju u kojoj crtani junak trpi povrede koje normalno živo biće u stvarnosti ne bi preživelo.