Selected solo exibitions:
2023. „Characters of My Realityi“ (with Andrea
Dramićanin), Galerija na katu KIC, Zagreb, Croatia
2021. “Technicolor Death”, Cultural Center "Laza
Kostic", Sombor, Serbia
2021. “Scalenos Delicatesse”, Zepter Museum, Belgrade,
2020. “Lost in Translation”, Bel Art Gallery - Dunvski Dijalozi, Novi Sad,
2018. "The exhibition of a Serbian
artist", Atelier 030202 contemporary art space, Bucharest, Romania
2018. “Omnipresent”, Street Gallery,
Belgrade, Serbia
2017. “The Second Most Iportant Thing“,
Gallery SKC, Kragujevac, Serbia
2016. “Frozen Man’s Dreams 2“, Cultural
Center Pozega Gallery, Pozega, Serbia
2014. “Frozen Man’s Dreams“, Cultural
Center Belgrade Gallery, Belgrade, Serbia
2012. “Justice Of The White Male”, Dom
Omladine, Belgrade, Serbia
2010. “+PDV”, Magacin u Kraljevića
Marka, Belgrade, Serbia
2010. “Interaction, Provocation,
Communication”, Gallery Dvoriste, Pancevo, Serbia
2010. “Over The Rainbow”, Gallery
Remont, Belgrade, Serbia
2009. “Freedom Is Confusing”, Magacin u
Kraljevica Marka, Belgrade, Serbia
Selected group
2024. “Voix Unique”, Centre Culturel de
Serbie, Paris, France
2024. “Figure – people”, International
Art Fair ART EXPO 2024, Novi Sad, Serbia
2023. “Games,
Planes and Sroft Openings”, Gallery Hilger Next, Vienna, Austria
2023. “Better Life”,
Gallery of Cultural Center Poreč, Poreč, Croatia
2023. “No Name –
Sculture After Sculpture”, “U” Barracks, Temisoar, Romania
2019. "Akvizicije
u 2018", Zepter Museum, Belgrade, Serbia
2018. “Limited”,
Nadežda Petrović Memorial , Čačak, Serbia
2018. “La Fin et Le
Dèbut“, Centre Culturel de Serbie, Paris, France
2015. “Belgrade Month in Pristina”, Priština, Kosovo
2012. “Car Art
Festival”, Delft, Netherlands
2011. “For Kids And
Adults”, Wita Stwosza 32, Wroclaw, Poljska
2007. “Inbetweeness”,
S. Michele Complex, Roma, Italy
Art Fairs:
“Parallel Vienna”, Vienna, Austria
“Parallel Vienna”, Vienna, Austria
2022. “Art
Market Budapest”, Budapest, Hungary
2021. “Art
Market Budapest”, Budapest, Hungary
“Paper Positions”, Munich, Germany
Artwork in
public collections:
Simacek Collection, Vienna, Austira
Gallery Bozidarac, Belgrade, Serbia
Permanent Collection of The Museum Zepter, Belgrade, Serbia
Gallery SKC Kragujevac art collection, Kragujevac, Serbia
Šumatovačka Art Collection, Belgrade, Serbia
+381 65 2684 268,,